How we verify your details
As part of your Thirdfort verification, we do not perform a credit check.
To check the address you provide, we use Experian's 'Authenticate' product which is one of their standard Know Your Client/Anti-Money Laundering offerings. This product performs an address search on your credit file. It does not perform any kind of credit check or view your credit information, it simply looks for the address(es) on your credit file.
Every time a search is done on your credit file there is a record of that search being made. A list of the searches carried out on your credit file is visible if you wish to download your credit report directly from Experian. You would see Thirdfort listed as one of the entities that has made a search and in most cases, you would see a long list of many other businesses that have done the same search as part of their KYC processes. Searches like this do not impact your credit score in any way.
I want to see my Experian credit report
Should you wish to access the credit report that Experian holds on you, you will need to get in contact with them directly to request this. Due to data protection regulations, no one other than the named individual on the file may have access to this.
The contact details for Experian are below:
Phone: 0115 828 6738 (Mon-Fri - 9AM-5PM)
Post: Experian Customer Service Team, Experian Ltd, PO Box 8000, Nottingham, NG80 7WF