Uploading a document
If you choose to upload a document please select 'Add PDF.' You will then be taken to your phone's file app.
From here you can view the files you have saved to your phone and select the one you want to upload.
Depending on the document you choose to upload, you'll also be asked to confirm when the document is dated.
Upload a photo
If you choose to upload a document please select 'Add Photo.' You will then be asked where you would like to upload the photo from.
You can take a new photo, upload an existing photo or upload a photo saved as a file to your phone.
Depending on the document you choose to upload, you'll also be asked to confirm when the document is dated.
Saving your proof of ownership
Once you have uploaded either a photo or a file you will then have the option to save your document. You can read more about completing this stage here.